Harnessed Amazon EC2 to create horizontally-scaling warm backups for the Magento site. Dealt with MySQL scale-out replication and Magento's read-only database logic.
Using memcached object and APC opcode caches, optimized Magento to achieve 100-item list-page loads in under one second.
Developed a layered navigation module allowing for subcategories to exist under multiple primary categories. Integrated with the rewrite system to produce SEO-friendly URLs.
Created a new Magento SOAP API to better handle 12,000 product, customer, order and image data from an in-house Flex ERP system.
Designed an industry-leading HTML front-end for creating customized product. Translated on-screen JavaScript coordinate data into PHP::ImageMagick to produce print-ready images from any platform/browser @ www.myflytag.com
Gap Year, Volunteer Teaching.2011 - 2012
Bukoba, Tanzania. And beyond.
Taught computer basics to middle and high school students. Lead adult classes on WordPress editing.
Established an Internet-facing WordPress server to host local websites.
Setup Internet connectivity in the classroom using Untangle firewall software.
Enjoyed a once (maybe twice) in-a-lifetime journey around the world.
Technology Analyst.2007 - 2008
Papier D'Art English School, Osaka, Japan.
Advised on technology solutions for a start-up business. Taking into account budget and needs, recommended specific Adobe and Microsoft suites. Trained Japanese employees on the new software.
Mapped potential sales using a custom overlay for Google Maps API. Used jQuery's AJAX to connect user interactions to a MySQL backend.
Internet Streaming Project Manager.2004
KWLC Radio, Decorah, Iowa.
Coordinated between business managers and the programming team. Conducted feasibility studies on various audio-streaming options. Drew up timeline and budget expectations for chosen design.
Directed Linux hardware and software engineers. Produced progress reports. Oversaw documentation. Used Perl scripting to parse server log files into HTML, displaying listener trends over time, including GEO IP lookup.
Organized load tests using both LAN and WAN connections. Monitored server and network loads using vmstat and Cacti. Located and fixed problematic firewall rules in an upstream router.